I Thess. 5:23

"And the very God of PEACE sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole SPIRIT and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." I Thess. 5:23

I keep coming across these verses about peace. :) This one says that God is a God of

and I am to be like Him...

I am to be AT PEACE...in and through everything!

The God of PEACE is the One who is sanctifiying us and making us holy. In fact, peace IS A PART of holiness, isn't it?

In this verse we are also reminded that sanctification involves our spirit as well as our soul and body. It's not just what we do; it's also our attitudes, our inner spirit and what is in our heart.

I pray God will indeed work within us a "peaceful spirit" so that we will be preserved BLAMELESS.

I guess if we don't really have a "peaceful heart"...if we are constantly anxious, that we are not very blameless, huh?

May God grant each of us today that inner PEACE! Amen!

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