Tips on Raising Children

A very important ingredient to raising healthy kids is to have a mommy and daddy that really LOVE one another and show it.

Someone asked about "signs and symptoms" of children that might have problems later. One that finds it difficult to obey or to control his temper is at risk. You need to work at these things when they are young. Being more positive than negative in your discipline is important.

Negativism is harmful to children
...This is a mistake I've made...and I'm trying to work on really being positive now.

One of my children was always in "trouble"...and it was a vicious cycle we never were able to break out of. Unfortunately I learned too late about the "love languages" and the need to be more positive.....

But I'm so thankful "God works everything for good to those who love God..."

Also, IMO, it is VERY important as the kids enter the teen years especially to find godly influences for the children...and try not to allow close, ungodly influences to ever enter their lives....This is especially true for kids who tend to be "followers" instead of leaders.

I am trying to teach my younger ones now whenever they ARE around someone that I'm concerned might be a negative influence in any tell them to remember to be a POSITIVE INFLUENCE FOR GOOD!

One thing that I feel is important is to watch/listen carefully whenever there are other kids around that might have negative influence...and then talk, talk, talk to your children about things later...but also emphasize that all are sinners and just because "we believe it is right to do such and such") doesn't mean that we are "better" than anyone else.

Also, most important, IMO, is to never allow the internet to "get out of hand". Watch over it closely...or don't have it at all. Put SafeEyes or something else like it on the computer to block all the bad stuff...and don't allow the kids to have "private email".

What could I have done differently? I should have loved/reverenced and appreciated my husband more....

Hope some of this helps...

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